MPS, MST, and MSH series Spin-on Filters
- Max working pressure: 12 bar(MPS,MST), 35 bar(MSH)
- Flow rates: from 25-300 L/min (MPS/MSH), 25-350 L/min (MST)
- Element types: 3-90 micron (MPS/MST), 3-60 micron (MSH)
- Element media: glass fibre, resin impregnatedcellulose or wire mesh
- Indicator: visual or electrical (MPS/MST) differential visual, visual /
electrical or electrical (MSH) - “Thermal Lock-out” electrical indicator option available (MSH Series)
- Mounting: Inline (MPS & MSH), Return line fitted to reservoir cover(MST)
- Port options: BSP-NPT(MST/MSH), BSP-NPT; SAE flange (MPS)